Who we are and what we do
In this section you will find information about how the Authority and Service are structured, our locations and key contacts.

Geographical area of operation

The link below allows you to click on a district and then to access a local station by clicking on the station name on the menu down the left hand side


General outline of responsibilities


Relationship with other authorities and organisations

What we spend and how we spend it
Here you will find financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, procurement, contracts and financial audit.

Summary of revenue budget estimates and capital expenditure plans

Annual Statement of Accounts

Financial Audit Reports

Staff pay and grading structure


Expenses paid to or incurred by members of the authority and senior officers

Procurement procedures

List of contracts and value

  • Financial Transactions includes payments to external bodies and suppliers above £500, and purchases undertaken using a procurement card which are published quarterly.  Also undisputed invoices paid within 30 days that are published annually. 
  • Contracts Register

Internal Financial Regulations and Delegated Authority

What are our priorities and how are we doing
This section contains our strategies and plans, performance indicators, audits, inspections and reviews.

Strategic Plan, Business Plan, Aims and Objectives

Reports indicating Service Provision, Performance Assessments and Operational Assessment Reports

Our policies and procedures
A comprehensive guide to our current written protocols, policies and procedures for delivering our services and responsibilities is contained in this section.

Policies and procedures for the conduct of Authority business

Policies and procedures for the provision of services

In this section you will find links to the policies and procedures that are in place to guide the day-to-day activities of the service and affect the manner in which services are provided. These policies and procedures are grouped by the operational departments or functions that have responsibility for them and can be found by clicking on the department name below, unless otherwise stated.


Policies and procedures about the employment of staff

This section includes policies and procedures relating to the employment of staff and includes topics such as equality, recruitment, discipline, grievance and health and safety. Details regarding our current vacancies can also be accessed here.

How we make decisions
Information regarding our decision making process and the recording of those decisions can be found in this section.
Lists and registers
Here you will find details on the lists and registers that we maintain that are open to the public.

Asset Lists and Information Asset Register


Registers open to public inspection

Register of members’ interests

An individual link to each Members’ Register of Interests is contained with their profile and can be accessed by the link below.


Register of gifts and hospitality

The services we offer
In this section you will find information about the services we offer, including leaflets, guidance and newsletters

Information about the provision of the Authority’s services


Regulatory responsibilities and procedures


Media Releases